The District comprises three (03) Sub-Divisions, which is subdivided into eight (08) R.D Blocks. There is only one Municipal Council named Dharmanagar MC under Dharmanagar Sub-Division, One Nagar Panchayat named Panisagar NP under Panisagar Sub-Division.
The total population of the District is 444579 which is approx. 12% of the total population of Tripura. The overall literacy assessment survey (LAS) conducted by SLMA-2016, the literacy rate 97.22% ( Male : 97.34% & Female : 96.79%) & the Sex ratio is 967/1000 (F/M) (State 960/1000) as per Population Census-2011.
There are seven (07) Bru-migrants Camps in the District, four (04) in Dasda R.D Block under Kanchanpur Sub-Div. and three (03) in Panisagar Sub-Divn.